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As construction industry experts, we know how to identify limitations and design customized solutions for
building your new business. Helping Companies Implement Business Strategies Founded on the principles
of trust, experience, and innovation, PRO-TREND specializes in the implementation of business strategy to
achieve target business goals.

  • Is your company making money? Do you know how much?
  • Are you pricing your jobs according to a strategy that works for your company  or are you just trying to undersell the competition?
  • Do you know what your jobs cost you?
  • Are you constantly revising your estimating method based on feedback from job cost reports?
Strategy execution is surprisingly difficult to do well, even under ideal conditions. But it’s especially challenging in the context of large organizational transitions, which require extensive cross-functional collaboration and a hands-on, highly engaged approach
Most companies already have strategies in place to set corporate direction. But situational factors often prompt businesses to reexamine how well they’re actually executing that strategy. Do you have a new call to action, threat to defend, or opportunity to seize? PRO-TREND’s Strategy Execution framework uses that motivating factor as a catalyst to clarify strategic intent, then establishes what resources must be mobilized to realize that strategy and “get to done”.

PRO-TREND never known as the owner of an architectural firm, engineering group, general contractor or specialty contracting company that started their own business because they wanted to be in Construction Business Strategies.
