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Service #1

Project Management

PRO-TREND as Project Managers have developed Successful process and systems for managing and mitigating risk, thereby increasing opportunities for Project success, profits and repeat business. PRO-TREND help clients develop customized systems and implement them across their organizations.

Service #2

Business Development

PRO-TREND Business Consultant is a leader in developing effective construction marketing plans that provide a powerful trio of Strategy, Brand, and Execution. We maximize our clients’ value by leveraging their current resources for growth, enabling them to capture additional market share within their targeted business sector, or explore new market sectors for additional revenue streams.

Service #3

Company Re-Structuring

PRO-TREND Business Consulting’s team is committed to improving the performance and profitability of every client’s business. By utilizing our comprehensive industry knowledge, real-world experience and team of dedicated professionals, we create innovative, customized solutions to help our clients get to the next level.